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Doubletwist Music Player for PC

Doubletwist Music Player free is an all-round app for handling all your music and videos. It is the most complete app.

It can play music, podcasts, movies, and TV shows. It can also sync between all of your Android, Apple, and Windows devices.

What can Doubletwist Music Player do for you?

Of course Doubletwist Music Player can do the obvious thing: play your music. But it can also manage your playlists. You can use it to browse and play podcasts. It will play your favorite movies and TV shows.


Use it to play content from one device on another device: it syncs between PC, Apple, and Android devices. It streams your content to your Smart TV, AirPlay devices, and DLNA devices like Xbox and PlayStation.

You can even use it as your alarm clock and wake up with your very own music.

Why should you use Doubletwist Music Player?

It is very handy to have this much functionality in just one app. No more searching first for the app on your device that handles the synching, and then looking for the other one that plays your content.

No more having to remember the different names of the apps on all your different devices: whatever device you are using, just look for Doubletwist Music Player and you are ready to roll.


Since the app syncs content between all of your devices, it doesn't matter where you are and what you are doing: you can always access your content. Whether you are at home, in your office, in the park, in traffic, in bed, or even under the shower with a Bluetooth speaker, just use Doubletwist Music Player.

Start using Doubletwist Music Player today!

Look in your devices' app stores for your free Doubletwist Music Player download. Sync music and movies, play them anywhere you like, and wake up tomorrow with your alarm clock playing your very own music. And this is all for free!

Download Doubletwist Music Player

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  • Doubletwist Music Player free is an all-round app for handling all your music and videos. It is the most complete app.